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March 2019

In the current body of work on view in the gallery I have been focused on the natural world. I spend a considerable amount of time in nature, viewing all its chaotic and organized behavior. I like to take things apart and then put them back together in a new form much like someone who likes to putter around and experiment. I find it a meditative process, looking at what is before me and how it interacts with other material I have made or found and altered or not.. Most recently I have been experimenting with textiles combined with metal and natural objects, some found some made to look  like they are found. I make all the time. I make parts and sometimes they are in the studio for years before they find what they are to become. I am fascinated by the inside or other side of things, the texture of a found object or its inherent sleekness. I look for objects all the time in places like thrift stores, consignment shops, or along the trail. I make things which are what I call parts also all the time. I have been accused of being a maker.  I have a plethora of parts in my studio. These are considered slowly and they come together as a sculpture over time or sometimes rather quickly. It  is a kind of stochastic approach but with my  thought interceding sometimes well and sometimes not so well. The not so well are torn apart and reused or just tossed as a failure. Using these various kinds of parts add to the fiction of the work, a kind of secret passage to somewhere new.


University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, MFA

University of Iowa, Iowa City, BFA


One Person Exhibitions

2015      End of the Line, November, G Gallery, Houston TX

2013      Books without pages, pages without books, G Gallery, Houston, TX

2012      ClockShop, Arts/Commerce Installation, Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Houston TX

2002      Time + Line, Texas A+M University, College Station, TX

2001      A Shadow of Before, Fairfield University Art Gallry, Fairfield, CT

1999      Time Not Wasted, Rice University Art Gallery, Houston, TX

1994      Paintings and Sculpture, Erector Square Art Gallery, New Haven, CT

1993      Olin Art Gallery, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH


Selected Exhibitions​

2019      Fred Giampietro Gallery, Jane Miller and Becca Lowry, New Haven, CT

2017      Fred Giampietro Gallery, Group show, New Haven, CT

2015      Fred Giampietro Gallery, Group show, December , New Haven, CT

2014      ‘Books’ window installation, Artspace, New Haven, CT

2011      Fresh Pressed: Selection from the Flatfile, Artspace, New Haven, CT

2008      Printmakers Network of Southern New England, MICRO/MACRO, Newport Art Museum, RI

              PLUSH, Hello my name is Gallery, New Haven, CT

              Fiber, The Contemporary Art Gallery, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT

2007      101 Dresses, Artspace, New Haven, CT

2005      Factory Direct, 5 artists selected to work with Manufacturers in and around New Haven, CT.

              Prints, Connecticut State University, Chen Gallery, New Britain, CT

              Prints, Strathmore Art Center, Bethesda, MD

              Prints and Social Commentary, Beard Gallery, Wheaton College, Norton, MA

              Process to Print, Brickbottom Art Gallery, Somerville, MA

              The Printed Image, Attleboro Museum, Attleboro, MA

2003      Southern New England Printmakers, Norwich Art Museum, Norwich, CT

              Portfolio # 3 from Printmaker Collective , Southern Graphics Conference, Boston

              Faculty Biennial, Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, Providence, RI

2002      Reactions, Exit Art, New York, NY

              Flag Project, Henry Street Settlement, Abrons Art Center, New York, NY

              Soft, Untitled (space), New Haven, CT – 5 person

2000      Off the Wall, New Art Center, Newton, MA- 6 person

              Two women/Dos Mujeres, Casa de Italia, Galerie Ossaye, Santo Domingo, DR

1994      Dartmouth College Art Gallery, Dartmouth, NH

1988      3 artists, Artspace, New Haven, CT

1987      Connecticut College Art Gallery, Connecticut College, New London, CT


Selected Collections

Sol Lewitt, CT; Thomas Blackman, Chicago, IL; Lela Hersch, Chicago, IL; Union League Chicago, Chicago, IL; University of Wisconsin, Waukesha, WI; Evansville Art Museum, Evansville, IN; Kim Davenport, Houston, TX; Wayne Gilbert, Houston, TX; Sharon and Gus Kopriva, Houston, TX; Charles Clark, Stonington, CT



2002-2008 Rhode Island School of Design, Painting Department, Visiting Critic

                  Fairfield University, Printmaking Department

1994          Dartmouth College, Visiting Artist

1992          Cornell College, Visiting Artist

1990-91, 1992-3 Kenyon College



2010-1997 Specialty Mounts, New Haven, CT, Owner – Exhibition mounts for Yale Center for British Art, Yale Peabody Museum, Yale University Art Gallery, small historical museums and private collections.



2003 Washington Print Show, award, Washington DC

1991 Kenyon College Faculty Research Grant, Gambier OH

1990 NEA City/State Initiative Grant, New Haven, CT

1984 Schwartz-Hofflich Award, Silvermine Art Guild, New Canaan, CT

1983 Jerome Foundation, WARM Gallery, Minneapolis, MN



1993 Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont

1992 The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH

1990 St. Andrew’s-Sewanne School, Artist in Residence, Sewanne, TN

1989 The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH



Rudick, Tyler, Watch this: Sculptor Jane Miller turns back time in live project at Texas Contemporary Art Fair, Culture Map, Houston, TX. 2012

Hoffman, Hank, ‘Our prints will come’, The New Haven Advocate, Feb-March 2002

Kalil, Susi, A stitch in Time, Houston Press, Apr 15, 1999

Interview for KUHF, Houston, TX 1999

Johnson, Patricia C. Assemblage of Things is “Time Not Wasted”, Art Notes, April 1999

Georgantas, Will, ‘2000 and Counting’, The New Haven Advocate, 1995

Robinson, Joyce, ‘Jane Miller New Work’, Columbus Art, Issue Number 1, 1994

Hungria, Jamie, “Dos Mujeres/Two Women”, Vetas, Santo Domingo, DR, October 1994

Maritza Alvarez y Jane Miller, Listin, Santo Domingo, Oct. 20.1994

Wright, Peg, ‘Figurative Art and the landscape’, Troy Daily Gazette, January 1991

Gonzales, Shirley, A pair of impressive shows, The New Haven Register, June 12, 1988

Langdon, Anne, Women in the Arts, Connecticut Commission, Spring 1988

Atterbury, Giselle, Illinois/Jane Miller,, The New Art Examiner, November 1983

Helleckson, Diane, ‘Minnesota/Jane Miller, The New Art Examiner, October 1983

Klein, Jerry, ‘Art Guild Exhibition has contrast of talents, Journal Star, June 26, 1983

14 Business Park Drive, Ste 5, Branford, CT 06405         203 777 7760

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